Claire Parker

28, The Sanctuary

Green Lane

Morden, Surrey SM4 5NX


 Aims and Objectives

This is a service to provide contact between ex-shipmates of all  ratings,ranks and commissions,to whom have served on board HMS VIDAL, and wish to try and make contact with each other.

The following pages will be updated as soon as possible

We will regularly advertise in the Navy News magazine, the RNA Newsletters, The Legion Magazine. and the Legion ‘Lost Trails’, on the RBL Web Site, also on the Compass Point, (formerly Lost Shipmates)

Regular updates and Newsletters will be sent out together with an up to date list of those who have shown an interest.

We will endeavour an attempt to organise reunions on a regular basis or as requested.

Please contact the above if you wish to be included in our activities, and make contact with old shipmates.

Fee for registration is £5.00 and subs are£10.00 annually thereafter, payable in January.

Registration will be taken as permission to pass on your details to OTHER VIDAL SHIPMATES only.

We also have People on our list, who knew the ship, or worked on board, and have joined us as honorary members.

When you register we will send you a VIDAL lapel badge, a scrapbook of her life, and a full list of all those registered, plus details of forthcoming reunions

Please copy and distribute if you know of other shipmates, or people who may be interested.


We are not a registered Charity.


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